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Oysters Blog

Baronscourt Estate - a luxury on our doorstep
A sprawling estate, nestled in an extensive parkland and gardens with a stunning backdrop of the Sperrin Mountains, Baronscourt Estate,...
Jan 19, 20231 min read

100-day Whiskey aged Steak
In January 2022, Head Chef at Oysters Restaurant & Winebar, Niall Gorham, determined to embark upon a collaborative initiative of curing...
May 4, 20222 min read

Northern Ireland Fine Dining Restaurant ‘22
Oysters Restaurant & Winebar is beyond delighted to have been recognised once again at The Food Awards Northern Ireland as they are named...
Apr 29, 20221 min read

A Dream Realised….. 15 years on
Hospitality was in our blood and history so it seemed inevitable that, one day, we would seek to fulfil our dream of embarking upon our...
Feb 3, 20222 min read
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